Paediatric Emergencies 2021 – Return of spontaneous cirulation care

Return of circulation care

Return to spontaneous circulation care

This short quiz allows us to ensure there has been some learning through watching this video. Although this quiz is optional, we are unable to provide you with a certificate unless you complete it along with the feedback form.

A pass mark of 80% is required to pass.

1. In the patient post return of spontaneous circulation the oxygen saturation target should be
2. In the patient post return of spontaneous circulation the arterial pCO2 (kPa) target should be
3. In the patient post return of spontaneous circulation the mean arterial blood pressure target should be
4. In the patient post return of spontaneous circulation the patients temperature should be
5. Which vasoactive medication is a reasonable first choice to support depressed left ventricular function in the hypotensive post cardiac arrest syndrome patient?
