My Apps

All apps developed by ITDCS Ltd
Paediatric Emergencies App Story
I have been developing medical applications since 2010 with the primary goal of improving the care delivered to critically ill child around the world. The apps have been shown to improve the speed, accuracy and confidence of prescribing in a paediatric emergency [view research paper] and are currently used in 136 countries around the world.

Over this time I have particularly enjoyed receiving feedback from healthcare professionals around the world, sharing their story of how they have used the applications to help in a paediatric emergency. I get real satisfaction from having created a product the allows me to help in the care of so many critically ill children that I will never meet. Although the apps aren’t free I don’t keep any of the proceeds from the app sales myself and have used this money to support the below initiatives and charities.
Paediatric Emergencies Tablets

We have donated over 50 tablets running the Paediatric Emergencies app to emergency departments and paediatric wards to ensure staff have access to the Paediatric Emergencies App when dealing with critically ill children. The project mainly focused on Ireland, however we have supported hospitals as far away as India.
Paediatric Emergencies Intubation Course Equipment

The Paediatric Emergencies Intubation Course is run in Belfast aiming to teach the basic knowledge, skills and behaviours needed for safe endotracheal intubation of the critically ill child to a multidisciplinary audience. The course was initially setup using equipment donated by our local charity Helping Hand and we have been able to expand the course to meet demand by purchasing extra equipment from the proceeds of the app sales, together with ongoing equipment loans from our various courses sponsors.
Daily Audio Bible

We have been supporting the good work of the Daily Audio Bible right from the start of our App journey and continue to make regular donations.
The Water Project

We have underwritten the construction of a well and hand pump in Kenya through The Water Project providing the Katung’uli community with clean drinking water.