Difficult vascular access in the peri-arrest child
In this episode I provide a structured approach to managing difficult vascular access in peri-arrest child including providing pearls to help you succeed.

Paediatric Emergencies 2021 Announcement
The Paediatric Emergencies 2021 Conference is a free one day livestream via YouTube happening on 18th November 2021 starting at 09:00 (UK time). No registration or login is required and to watch all you need to do is visit Paediatric Emergencies on YouTube.

Paediatric Emergencies 2020 Talks are Now Available
The talks from the Paediatric Emergencies 2020 Conference livestream are now available to watch

The Dos and Don’ts of Waiting for the Paediatric Retrieval Team
What to do and the common mistakes to avoid while managing a critically ill child prior to the paediatric retrieval team’s arrival.

Paediatric Emergencies 2020 tickets are now on sale
Tickets for Paediatric Emergencies 2020 are now on sale. for more details or to book visit the conference page
Bronchiolitis is a viral infection of the lower airways, most often in infants but can affect children up to two years of age. It is commonly caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), although it can be caused by numerous other viruses and it has a peak incidence in the autumn/winter…
Raised Intracranial Pressure
Airway opening manoeuvres (avoid head-tilt and chin-lift in trauma, use jaw thrust) as required with high flow oxygen (10-15 litre/minute via face-mask with reservoir bag) and suction airway as needed. Immobilise cervical spine in trauma patient…
Urgent semi-elective intubation and ventilation should be undertaken if there is ongoing signs of shock unresponsive to 40 ml/kg of fluid resuscitation or if there is airway obstruction/loss of protective airway reflexes at any stage (cardiovascular resuscitation should occur before induction of anaesthesia)…
Status Epilepticus
Airway opening manoeuvres with high flow oxygen (10-15 litre/minute via face-mask with reservoir bag) and suction secretions as needed. Consider nasopharyngeal airway if difficultly maintaining airway (insertion of oropharyngeal airway normally not possible due to clenched teeth)…
Acute Asthma
Intubate if there are life threatening features that are refractory to standard treatment i.e. silent chest, oxygen saturations <92%, cyanosis, poor respiratory effort, hypotension, altered consciousness or exhaustion...
About Me

Dr Christopher Flannigan
Consultant Paediatric Intensivist - Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children
I’m a Paediatric Intensivist from Northern Ireland and my goal is to improve the care delivered to critically ill and injured children. I have a particular interest in the initial resuscitation and stabilisation and in the use of information technology in the clinical environment. I have designed a number of medical applications which have been shown to improve emergency prescribing. If you have any comments or queries please drop me an email
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